
I’m currently working with Andrew Gutierrez on Brobot: An autonomous beer-pong opponent, built with ROS & RealSense. Brobot is an intelligent robot opponent that can play beer pong. It uses RealSense stereo vision to perceive the environment, senses targets, and accurately launches a ball using a set of dual brushless motors.

Brobot started as a light-hearted question during the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic: Could you build and train a robot to play beer pong, ping-pong, or any other party game?

Brobot runs on a modular software architecture built in ROS. Andrew led the software architecture for the vision systems, and I designed and wrote the embedded software and fabricated the robot’s mechanical systems. If you’d like to watch out progress, check out Brobot’s open-source software and hardware on GitHub.

WIP: Brobot in testing:

Brobot 1 Brobot 1